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The Dark Side of Being a Beautiful Woman


The definition of beautiful woman is a person who has physical attributes that inspire admiration and positive emotions in others. However, there is a dark side to being beautiful. Beautiful women are held to a higher standard and often feel a need to maintain their beauty. This can be extremely stressful and damaging to their self-esteem.

Studies have shown that beautiful women suffer from a plethora of issues, from depression and social anxiety to eating disorders and addictions. They are also more likely to be the subject of jealousy from both men and other women. In some cases, this is so extreme that it can lead to violence.

In many of these cases, the root cause of the problem is that beautiful women equate their value with their appearance. They are complimented from a young age on their looks and they become accustomed to it. They start to believe that their beauty is the only thing they have going for them and begin to think that if they can't change something about their body (like their weight or the color of their skin) they are worthless.

As a result of this, many beautiful women spend one-third of their income on keeping up their looks. From diets and products to cosmetic surgery, they do everything in their power to remain attractive. They have a deep insecurity that they won't lose their beauty and are constantly searching for the next best cream or workout routine to keep them looking good.

Even worse, beautiful women are often the victims of vicious attacks from their own friends and acquaintances. It has been documented that ugly girls secretly hate gorgeous ones and will do Beautifulwoman whatever they can to ruin their lives. This can include character assassination, slander, rumors, and denigration. It can even lead to physical assaults or suicide attempts.

The fact is, that when a beautiful woman is not loved for her soul, she is often miserable and unfulfilled. She may live her life with a void in her heart that she hopes will be filled by a man who will make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

Fortunately, there is another way. The Bible says that true beauty comes from the inside, not the outside. If a beautiful woman fears the Lord and allows her beauty to reflect this, then she is truly stunning. She will attract the eyes of a godly man and make him see her "as a graceful doe or a lovely deer" (1 Samuel 25:3). She is a jewel that can't be tarnished or destroyed and she has a beauty that the grave cannot steal. In the eyes of a godly man, she will shimmer and sparkle like a pearl in the sun. Then she will be "a crown that the wise men wear" and a jewel that no one can take from her (1 Peter 3:4). In short, she will be a woman whose beauty comes from above.

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